Post by Benjamin Blanco on Aug 1, 2010 12:32:39 GMT -5
Housing Name: Jackson Projects Housing Owner: N/A (Previously Rhyno Rodriguez) Individual Rent Rate: $600 Per Month Primary Use: Housing development for Willowfield citizens Secondary Use: Main headquarters for all GMM activities # of Inhabitants: 500 (30% of the population are GMM members) # of Housing Employees: 150 Protection: Get Money Mafia Description: Beneath the towering project buildings, broken down ghettos & children's parks, the Jackson Housing Projects are home to many GMM members. Cookouts, basketball games, and low rider competitions are held every now & then as well. The LSPD patrol the area but since they're all corrupt for the most part, they don't really care what goes on.
Post by Jay on Aug 11, 2010 0:58:00 GMT -5
Andrez walks up into the building and finds room 6A.
Post by Benjamin Blanco on Aug 11, 2010 1:02:40 GMT -5
Loco opens the door and gives Andrez a pound as he enters:
Loco: So you're the new guy, huh? Andrez: Yeah. Loco: Well, I assume you know why you're here.
Andrez nods. Loco then goes to his closet and pulls out five large garbage bags full of JAYROMA:
Loco: Take these to the leader of the Seville Blvd. Brims, Sam Brimlow. Tell him it's a gift from the GMM. He's currently at his house on Seville Boulevard. You can deliver the drugs using my car downstairs.
Post by Jay on Aug 11, 2010 1:04:46 GMT -5
Andrez:A'ight man.
Andrez leaves the building. He loads the JAYROMA into the car, and leaves.
Post by Jay on Aug 11, 2010 21:37:41 GMT -5
Andrez finds room 6A and knocks on the door.
Andrez:Yo,Loco. Loco:Hey Homie, what is? Andrez:Here's your keys,man.
Andrez Gives Loco his keys.
Loco:A'ight, man talk to ya later.
Andrez leaves