Post by hoodsouljah on Oct 6, 2007 8:38:07 GMT -5
Handler Sheet
Name - Yannick Zuel E-mail - yannick_zuel1@hotmail.com How You Found Us - searching for a GTA RPG , Google.
Character Sheet
Name - Ryan Johnson "Big Roller" Gender - Male Age - 22 Height - 6 Feet Weight - 65 Kilos Nationality - American,Black
Occupation - none. Vehicle - GreenWood Money - 800$ Weapons - 45 colt Tec-9 Current Location - Ganton, Los Santos Class - Gang Banger
Current Attire - Green Rag,Blue jeans,Cornrow,Green Hoody,sneakers. Physical Description - Healthy,Body Riped ( Muscly) . Personality - Strong Loyal will do anything for his gang (hood). History - Had a bad childhood living in ganton and going to school, his Mother nearly died from a car crash and his dad is dead from the same car crash, his brother Kennny Johnson is alive and in the army.
Post by Don Joseph Trapani on Jun 16, 2009 7:23:51 GMT -5