Post by Alfredo Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:08:27 GMT -5
Alfredo: Non è possibile discutere con la relatività. (Can't argue with relativity.)
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:10:58 GMT -5
Ben walks to the fridge, taking out a Bud. He starts drinking it.
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:15:13 GMT -5
He turns to Al.
Ben: Carmine seems like he's falling asleep. You might as well go on the "business trip". You will be handsomely rewarded.
Post by Santino Gambetti on Mar 31, 2010 13:21:43 GMT -5
Carmine: I just came to check up on you Alfredo. I heard that you ran into some trouble with the Aztecs. Do you want me to get one of them back?
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:23:04 GMT -5
Ben: If I were you, I'd just leave it. We already had a war with one San Fierro street gang. We don't want to mess with Los Santos based gangs when so many of them are fighting for power in Los Santos.
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:24:43 GMT -5
Ben: Fuck.
He turns to the two girls.
Ben: I...Uh.....
Nina: It's alright. I knew about your "business" two years ago. Carla: (Turning to Nina) What business? Nina: Ben runs a nationwide Media Conglomerate.
Post by Santino Gambetti on Mar 31, 2010 13:25:13 GMT -5
Carmine: But boss, if any of them try to fuck with us, we can get help from the GMM. Don't they practically run that town?
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:25:50 GMT -5
Carla: Then what's this about street gangs? Nina: He's also a Media Personality and local Producer. He's making a film to promote the goodness of young people, not just their bad qualities and such. Carla: Ahh.....
Ben sighs in relief.
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:28:39 GMT -5
Ben: Ho appena don't vogliono cattiva pubblicità. Tutte le bande Los Santos potrebbe tentare di attacco noi o anche espandersi nel nostro territorio se trovano fuori ci 'stato di loro. Forse noleggio Rhyno a prendersi cura di essi, per noi. Potremmo pagare lui davanti. (I just don't want bad publicity. All the Los Santos gangs could try to attack us or even expand to our territory if they find out we've been in theirs. Maybe hire Rhyno to take care of them for us. We could pay him up front).
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:31:17 GMT -5
Ben: Parlare in italiano da ora in poi. (Speak in Italian from now on).
Post by Don Ben Costello on Mar 31, 2010 13:34:06 GMT -5
Ben sends Alfredo a voice message with his cellular mobile phone.
Ben: Buon lavoro. Il camion contraffatte contenuta lastre, ideale per le mie contraffazione operazioni. Sono i propri delle stamperie est in libertà. Mi hai inviarlo presto. (Good work. The trucks contained counterfeit plates, perfect for my counterfeiting operations. I own the Printing Works east in Liberty. I'll send it there soon).
Post by Santino Gambetti on Mar 31, 2010 13:56:21 GMT -5
Carmine: I'll see you later Don Costello, I've got a date with Alfredo's sister-in-law.
Carmine then leaves and heads to the Triangle Strip Club.
Post by Don Ben Costello on Apr 1, 2010 10:44:09 GMT -5
Ben, who is in Alfredo's Apartment phones his nephew.
Ben: Ben fatto sulla questione che triade Boss. Ho un compito nuovo per voi. Andare al 'Oriental' bar, e cercare di prendere il controllo, protezione-saggio. Se il proprietario offre alcune difficoltà, se egli è ancora in ossequio alle leggi, poi riprendere una katana presso la nostra Strip Club, 'onorevoli metà prezzo' di Calton e tagliare altezze, i capi di alcune leggi. (Well done on whacking that Triad Boss. I have a new task for you. Go to the 'Oriental' Bar, and try and take it over, protection-wise. If the owner gives you some trouble, if he is still in allegiance with the Triads, then pick up a Katana at our Strip Club, 'Ladies Half Price' in Calton Heights, and cut off the heads of a few Triads. Then take their Triad heads to a dog meat processing plant we own in Whetstone, and then take the dog meat with the Triad heads to a shoe store we protect in Calton Heights. Put the meat in some shoes boxes, and get some blood-stained Triad clothing. Wrap the boxes in the Triad clothing, and present them to the Owner. If he is still giving you grief, show his employees a thing or two, if you know what I mean. That is all).
Post by Senator Nicholas Primo on Jan 12, 2013 23:06:25 GMT -5
Primo family Caporegime, Mickey Vagima, gets the okay from Don Nicky Primo to send two of his best soldiers, Lenny and Switchblade Sal, to whack Don Ben Costello's nephew, Alfredo Costello. They pull up in a taxi cab that they stole. Sal is driving.
Salvatore: So what's the plan again? Lenny: Mickey says that Nicky wants us to send Don Costello a message. So that means we hit Costello where it hurts the most... his direct family. Salvatore: How we gonna' do that? We don't have any associates with us right now. Lenny: We don't need any of the associates. Some jobs don't need more than a couple of people. Now listen, I'm gonna' go around the back and plant the bomb. I'll have 30 seconds to get out of there after that. All you have to do is pull up to the alleyway that leads to then back of the apartment and wait for me. If anybody gives you shit, you shoot em'. Capiche? Salvatore: Capiche.
They both then see Alfredo Costello walking down the street entering his apartment building through the front. Lenny then gets out of the taxi cab with his homemade bomb in a gym bag. He takes the gym bag around the back of the building. Salvatore parks the car in the alley way. A few minutes later, a policeman walks by and sees Salvatore parked in the alleyway. He approaches Salvatore, planning to kindly ask him to move the car. Sal gets paranoid and pulls out his stainless Snubnose .38 pistol. He keeps it low as he cocks the trigger. The officer gets close to the window. Salvatore rolls down the window and shoots the police officer square in the forehead. The officer hits the floor. Several moments later, Lenny comes back running around the corner. He jumps in the car.
Lenny: What the fuck happened!? You killed a fuckin' cop!!!! Salvatore: I fuckin' panicked! I didn't know what else to do. I thought he knew what we were doing. Lenny: Just fuckin' drive, Sal!!!!!
Sal hits the gas and gets out of there as fast as possible. They turn left after three blocks and hear a loud explosion come from the apartment.
Lenny: Shit... this is fuckin' crazy. How could this happen? Salvatore: I fucked up. At least we got the hit done for Nicky. Lenny: Call Mickey and tell him everything that just went down. He'll be able to contact the Don.
Alfredo Costello is now dead. They leave the scene unnoticed, but a few hours later, the cop's murder is all over the San Fierro evening news.